April 14,  2003

I think this is the longest I've gone without updating this thing...Oops!  Well I did end up going to the bank Thurs. and walking around the mall aimlessly!  I took my brother and tiffany with me!  It was great fun!  The funniest thing happened,  I gave austin my glasses to hold while trying on sunglasses.  He placed them on his face and Tiff and i gasped.  He looks like Rivers Quomo!  We then made a stop to Hot Topic where I bought squirt some "emo" glasses!  I picked up a something corporate shirt,  a taking back sunday vinyl,  and some other junk.  We walked around and I tm'ed daniel to see what was goin on,  i knew he'd be gettin out of school soon,  he gave me a call.  While I was on the phone the always observent Tiffany found the chairs I'd been looking everywhere for!  2 for 10 bucks! Hell yeah! (thanks tiff tiff they look great in my room, soo comfy!)  Well i told daniel there were a stack of discs at the sporting store.  He asked me to give him an idea of what they had.  So I'm talkin looking at the discs,  telling him whats their,  he's pissing about traffic,  when I notice this really cute guy at the end of the aisle.  I went to take a second look and it was my baby!  (Of course it was,  no other guy is cute enough for me to give a second look to!)  He does the sweetest little things for me!  Well i took tiff tiff to her car,  and dropped austin off.  I went over to daniels'  to watch "Fight Club".  That movie is so great!  Friday i chilled with my family pretty much.  Saturday I went o the mall again with my brother.  This time he got a wallet and a weezer sticker (hehe)  I got myself the coolest spongebob shirt and some patches.  We crossed over to Discover  walked around a bit and i found out that ESPN skate park now sells Vans shoes.  Hmmm... stopped by and talked with daniel some,  and  then somehow managed talking my family into taking austin and myself to loco's for some free grub!  Sunday was decent.  Daniel and I went to the park to play disc golf.  I kinda put a rain on the parade with my constent cussing after each and every throw.  It's not that i don't enjoy the game... I love it!.  I just don't like NOT being good at something.  Even though it was only my 3rd time playing.  Things got better after we went to Kroger and got some turtle tracks and watched Mr. Deeds.  And today i worked and watched Clerks.  So i had myself a pretty decent weekend! 

**Please aloow me to make apologizes for not giving credit where credit was due!  Kelley is the one who informed me of what my ghetto name was.  I'm sorry for not saying something about it earlier Kell-kell!**
Mood:  Lalala

"What it is to burn"

"No one understands me the way you do"
Just TMed to say I love you
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