April 20,  2003 12:00 a.m.

Happy Easter everyone! As you all sit down to your dinners with your family,  remember those of us who's family left them for Easter.  I got invited to the Kirkley's for some easter dinner,  but me showing up would be weird.  I mean lets face it,  i'd feel like i was going over there with a sign on my head "Please feel sorry for me,  I'm spending a family shared holiday by myself,  pitty me!" Though I'm told this not being the case I'd still feel out of place.  I hate feeling out of place... but let me talk about what happened tonight.  I had a little get together hoping to get some friends that I hadnt seen in a while or don't see often to come over and chill.  Well Daniel had a paper as well as clay,  so thats cool.  I understand.  Daniel S.  sorta had plans, so he didn't know (he didn't show)  Kaitlin came over but had to leave at 8 she had a date.  BUt she made an effort which sits well with me.  Stacey I guess just wasn't interested in my offer which is what i figured from talking to her on the phone,  but she said she would come with Kelley. I even told her i had her birthday present, she was all like "oh you didn't have to get me anything" and i said "no no your my bud it's your birthday i had to get you something!"  Well so much for buds,  I guess I'm not george so I'm not worth the time,  And yes stacey I DIDN'T have to get you something,  but i did.  And as i type this I recall 2 other times she bailed on me.  wow what a pal.  Kelley did have the curtiousy to show up and hell i didn't even talk to her on the phone!  Tiff came over as well.  Then i got a call from Kyle and he came by as well.  It was nice,  I really hope they enjoyed themselves,  cause had been like a week since i had seen tiff and kelley,  and i hadn't seen kyle since Feb i think.  It was really nice seein him again.  He really is a good person.  We ate some food,  we're supposed to watch a movie,  but instead i made an ass of myself trying to remeber Britney Spears choreography!  And people flipped through my photo album making fun of captions i wrote FOREVER ago!  Life is truely beautiful! lol!    I'm just itching for next week i guess.  Everything will be great next week...

I think Daniel was right friday night when he said I let people walk on me.  I think it's about time that changes...I need to start speakin more of whats really on my mind.

I think I'm going to sleep on the couch again.  I sleep better there.
Mood:  Pretty Decent

Anything Deana Carter or Randy Travis

"I would go to Bin Ladins for free food!" hehe
Shatterd Easter
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