April 25th,  2003 7:55 p.m.

Thursday was my day off.  It was great!  Tiff came over at 5 and we were off to pick up Korey and Daniel for the Ataris concert.  On the way to get Daniel we hear Kris Roe on 99x.  It was pretty sick.  I got us all lost again,  by missing our exit.  Haha!  So i got all pissy because i HATE not knowing where i'm at.  We stopped at Chick-fil-a for food and directions.  And the chick gave us some directions and the dude got us turned all the fuck backwards.  Don't trust adults they know we turned back around to follow the chicks directions and we were there in like 20 min.  Korey I swear we'll go back there so you can put Captin Asshole's head on a stick.  So we finally make it to the Roxy,  which was a very decent venue.  The very first band sucked a whole lota ________! (you fill in the blank)  Further was decent as well as Juliania Theory.  Tiff,  Daniel and myself decided that even though we were decently close to the stage,  the back of 15 huge ass jocks were not what we came to see.  So we jet to the balcony.  Which i admit pissed me off,  I really wanted to stay in the crowd,  but i couldn't see anything!  After a quick stop at the merch table where I bought a poster and a button,  we made our way up to the balcony for the REAL show to begin!  They close the curtins,  and i'm about ready to piss I'm so excited!  They open the curtians and the best live show in the world begins!  I shot out of my seat and almost met my death with the Roxy floor,  when I caught my balance.  They opwned up with "I.O.U ONe Galaxy"  which made me so happy! I put that song on the cd i made daniel,  singing it to him is one thing,  hearing it live and singing along staring into those georgous blue eyes while doing so it a completly different and more romantic story!  Then they played "...Another NIght Alone"  (the other song i say is my song to him)  I couldn't help but kiss him after that one!  So they played the WHOLE show amazingly!  The Ataris rock my face and Kris Roe is a God!  So after the show we meet up with Mr. Kyle,  who takes us outside to the tour bus.  After standing i the rain and trying really hard not to get my poster all wet.  Kris came out and was talking and signing stuff.  He signed my now fucked up poster,  but like Daniel says "now it has character".  it's stained with memories of that unforgetable evening!  Right now it's hanging on my wall!  It's the baddest thing in it thus far!  We all went to Waffle House for some after concert grub.  All was good!

I just have to say that I don't know what it is about that band that just rocks my face so hard,  but they do!  They are simply the sickest band ever!
Mood:  Hardcore Happy
Live Ataris (memories pulsating in my head!)
Speech Kris Roe made about following your heart!
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