April 30,  2003 11:13 p.m.

Today was a good day.  Besides my boss whoes a total jackass,  TAKE THE STOOL DANIEL!  TAKE THE STOOL!  All that man does is sit on that damned stool.  Tomorrow I'm callin on a job at Discover Mills.  Anything is better then this crap.  I got off work and then ran up to Discover to see my sweetie,  he's so cute!  I swear i've never been with someone where I simply get a high from talking to them.  We can talk about so much stuff,  anything i swear!  Today we mainly teased each other about what we were ganna get each other for our birthdays.  Which may i remind you aren't until July 18th and Aug. 29th  Then i realized 8 days before my birthday is our 6 mon anniversary.  I know we'll make it.  Thats what makes it so beautiful.  I found his favorite porno mag (ride:a BMX mag.) under his math book!  TIsk Tisk Daniel!  My favoritie thing he does is when I'm talking nonsense or making fun of him and he just grabs me and kisses me.  I'm at a total loss of words from there on!  Dammit!  He so gets to me!  Bastard!

THe next 2 days are ganna rock my face so hard it's not going to be funny!  I'm ganna call on the job,  hopefully get it.  Play some serious disc golf,  hopefully kick some ass,  but i doubt that!  Then I'm ganna watch x-men over at Korey's to prep for the BIG night,  the release of X-Men 2!  Hell yeah bitches!  You jealous!  Then I'll sleep,  go through one more day of hell at work and then  X-MEN! I'll be sure to tell all you losers who didn't see it with us how the movie was...HA!
Mood:  In love

Our Lady Peace

"Patrick your genius is showing!" 
"Huh?!?! WHERE?!?!"
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