May 3,  2003

X-Men 2 rocked my face so hard!  Went to see the movie with Daniel,  Melissa,  Korey,  kyle and Chris.  And since it was opening night the place was packed so we gots all sepereated :(  Which was sadness.  Melissa and I made a mad candy stash before the movie and i swear my purse weighed 50 pounds!  After the really bad ass movie,  Korey,  Melissa,  Daniel and myself went to the Awfully Wafflie for some grub.  We all goofed off taking creamer shots,  hanging ourselves,  and discussing all sorts of interesting topics!  That is until we saw a pretty little cockroach scurry about on the wall.  Yeah that was our signal to jet!  We goofed in the parking lot.  Then realized it's 3 a.m.  We decided to jet home,  and thats what we did.  So yesturday was such funess!  I like chillin with everybody.  We should do stuff like that more often.  Korey's such a bad ass mama jamma,  Melissa rocks my face,  and Daniel,  well we all know i feel about him!  ; )  I swear I know the coolest people! Aren't ya jealous!

Today however I'm going to go see my darling friend Kaitlin off to Brookwood prom!  Yay!  I'm ganna take more photograghs then any mother ever dreamed of taking!  Every little move made will be captured on film!  Just so i can annoy the hell out of everyone!
Mood:  Slap Happy

Music:  "Loving Me For Me"

Quote:  "When you grow up,  your heart dies"
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