May 11,  2003 7:29 p.m.

So thus is another day in the life of Amber Webber.  yay.  No actually life has been good.  Except my job, which by the way would be my fault since i've made ONE attempt for another job.  I guess i have no room to complain.   Other thing thats gettin to me is my two immature parents who won't speak to each other to save the life of them.  They choose to make their daughter the middle man,  or woman rather, to fight out their arguments.  Makes me not want to have kids,  I won't have to be worried about fucking up someone elses life.  Ah well tis MANY years down the road of this life.   My few good friends and Daniel seem to be all that keep me sane.  

I wish it was late July...  I need my vacation to Ohio to come sooner.  Anyone feel like running away for a weekend? 

For now I'll just go play my guitar.
Mood: Doin fine


"If a kid asks 'why is it raining',  a cute thing to say would be 'b/c god's crying', if the kid asks 'why is god crying' another cute thing to say would be. 'Probubly b/c of something you did.'"
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