May 18,  2003  3:31 a.m.

Been in a weird mood this last week.

You know i really thought about something today.  In life;  you meet people.  All sorts of people.  And weither you like them, loath them,  love them,  or hate them with a burning passion.  they'll teach you something about yourself.  Something you may need to know and somethings you may have never wanted to know.  But all in all i believe you become a better person because of it.  So far in my life I'm really glad i've met the people that I have. 

Everything will fall into place just as it should. 

I know this may just seem like stupid ramblings,  but i dunno just felt like it needed to be said. 
Mood:  To myself but content

"All Mixed Up"

"Wake me up inside"
Ok i really need to get my digital camara back!
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