May 25th,  2003 8:54

I promise you i DID NOT die.   I am alive and well!  My darling parents decided it would be a brillant idea to take away my internet to "save money".  Riiight whatever.  So they also decided not to inform me of this and so i never had the chance to say goodbye,  or tell you that i will not be entering as often in this thing.  All to hell!  If you really and truelly are my friend then you know about my possibilities of moving to the great and wonderful state of ohio.  There i will be respected as somewhat of an adult.  My mother chooses not to recognize that i am an eightteen old female with a ilfe.  So yeah.  However my darling friend Daniel S.  and I are looking into apartments the only thing is we would REALLY like to find one or two more people to live in the aprtment with us.  That shit is so expensive!  So i guess this is an unoffical invite to anyone who needs to get out of their current living facility to give me a call,   Roomie! Anyway. I will try to update you guys asap.  Much love! 

Oh yeah!  I have NO hair, no i have hair just not as much as i used to! Hell yeah!
Mood:  Happy,  You?

Music:  The rain

Quote:  "I love ya like a fat kid loves cake"  HAHA
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