So... yeah... been a while.  Still tryin to talk the parents into splitting the cost of the internet b/c this is retarded...

Life has been good... my little bro is in Ohio till July 18th,  the house is bit less hectic.  Gary is givin me more hours, yay and nay.  More money,  less time away from the hell hole.  No room for me to complain.  I'll shut up now.  My painting projects have come to a complete dead end.  I can't seem to get past little details.  Why am i such a perfectionist with these thing?   However my doodling never ends.  Today i drew the sickest looking tuliup one has ever seen.  I want to get it tatooed somewhere.  It's bad ass.  And as Gracie looks at me atop the computer desk,  I am reminded that everything is my relationship is great.  I'm happy.  How Daniel puts up with such a dork like myself I'll never know.  Friendships on the other hand, are well how does one say this...  pooh.   Melissa,  Korey,  Daniel S.  rock my face they know this,  but my buddy tiff has since fell off the face of this planet.  Now all knows why Tiff and Kyle never got along,  they are the same person... only tiff has tits.  N E way!  I went to the Roots/ Donna concert last friday and WAHOO! had so much fun,  I almost pissed myself!  The roots gave me chills,  that band so hardcore rocks my face!  I'd pay anything to see them again!  The Donnas were great.  Not nearly as good as the Roots but they were good.  Little Miss drummer Donna tares the fuck out of those skins.  Made my head spin!  I'm jealous... I like gutiar,  but if you truely know me... you know my heart is with the drums.  ::: Flicks away tear:::  Being left handed never made the training process any easier.  Ah well.  This summer is going to be so great.  I'm going to Warped Tour.  I'm ganna go see Our Lady Peace at stone Mountian,  and I'm ganna see 311 with Daniel.  If only TBS was ganna play at warped,  saddness.

Well it's now 8:04  which means i've got to get goin.  I must meet my sweetie at the mall.  Shopping weehoo! What good American girl doesn't like to spend her money?  Thats what i thought!

Till next time kiddies!
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