June  11,   2003  10:30 p.m.

So I found out that someone ACTUALLY keeps up with this thing... Kelley this ones for you! 

Tom.  is my day off, hell yeah.  Your all jealous! Hahahaha!  Well cept those of you who don't have jobs... lucky bastards!  I got out of my painting slump,  I can think again.  I'm also starting to write again.  It's probubly all really shitty stuff but oh well.  I like it!  Carl has been out of town all weekend and won't be back till Fri or Sat.  So it's just been me and my mom Fun.  Sunday night Korey and Melissa came over to chill.  They're so cute!  We played Monopoly.  Good Stuff.  Tues. I met up with long lost buddy Kaitlin and we went to the Mall of Georgia where i scored a finding nemo toy.  THat movie so rocks my face.  Tom.  I get to go to the courthouse and pay my ticket for my car accident,  yay.  More money that i don't have!!  Such is life!  I'm counting down the days till White Stripes. Wahoo! I'm all excited!  Then only a few more weeks till OLP hell yeah!  I'm ganna piss over that one!  Brandnew's new album is out and Amber has no money to get it.  I stood at Hot topic yesturday and admired it and then proceded to weep because i could not have it in my own pocession.  You will be mine.  However today at work Stephanie brought it in and I listened to it on the cd player.  It's so great,  truely rocks my face hardcore.  :::Flicks away tear:::  Next Sat I'm going to the big A-T-L to find a piece of Daniel's birthday gift.  Oh yes it will be great.  As long as all goes according to plan.  And I'm sure it will! So ha! Go me go me! By the ways I'm so going to do the 4th of July thing.  Funness   Ah well I'm now talkin out my ass about shit no one probubly cares about.  So I'll be gong now.  Hope all are well. 


Mood:  Hyper (don't know why... frosted mini wheats maybe?)

Quote:  "The victories secret lady comes up to you like Lassie in heat! ' HI! I'm Bettie with and i!'  Keep actin like that Bettie and you'll be Bettie with a black eye"

Song:  "Seed 2.0"
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