July 6th,  2003  7:05 p.m.

So how was everybodies fourth of July?  MIne was spiffy.  Well cept for the begining...  a bunch of craziness dealing with work,  kidney stones,  and a breast pump.  But thats another story for another day!  Just know it was fucked up. 

Back to what i was saying anyways,  I  get off of work,  drive home,  and am meet by my Sweeties! :)  We decdided to light up the grill and that was a tale in it's own...  kids be careful with matches!  Hehe!  Well i lost about six burgers in between the bars on the grill,  now please remeber this it's an important factor of later events!  Daniel and myself fixed some chicken for him,  and managed to fix two burgers for myself.  I ate one when Kyle's arrives.  He comes in drinks and warstischirre (sp?) sauce in hand!  He decideds to man the grill and makes some pretty damn good burgers.  The three of us ate and goofed off.  The funniest thing was when Kyle and Daniel decided to make frisbees of the lost hamburgers.  One flew into the neighbors yard a few into the woods.  THen Kyle attempted to throw one onto the roof of our neighbors roof.  He chunks it,  it lands by the satilite dish,  a piece of it rools away ande lands on their patio table!  Funniest thing you've ever seen!  (Psst... guys it's still there!)  We made a round to Kroger...  got some orange juice (for fuzzy navels of course) and Ben and Jerry's half baked, mmm!  Oh and Snapple!  We came back to the house and played this disc that kyle had on PS1 this disc had all the old nintendo games on it.  It was so bad ass.  THe boys kicked my ass at tetris.  (Watch your backs I'm learnin!)  But I kicked ass at wheel of fortune!  Woot woot!  Kyle left round 1 or something like that and Danile and I played a few more games and then we went to bed.  Woke up round noon,  bummed,  and then went to La Casulas for dinner.  Mmm! 

This was my forth and the day after.  All good fun,  yes!  Hope you had a good one too!
Mood:  YAY!

Quote:  "The best times are the simplest times"  (Sure cliched but eh)

Music:  The sounds of "Gangs of New York"
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