July 11th,  2003  5:21 p.m.

So yada yada...  This week has been pretty cool.   Monday I went to work and then that night I went to Dicscover Mills and Kyle stopped by.  Daniel and myself got him to go talk to Cingular girl.  He got her number!  GO KYLE!! WOOT WOOT!  We then got some friends together to go to Stake 'n' Shake.  We goofed off there for about an hour or so.  When Daniel started launching fries at me... they continued to land right between my legs.  So without thinking I continued to scream "Stop throwing fries in my croch!"  DUH AMBER!  You don't say things like that in a restraunt.  :::smack:::  So everyone started laughing it was great... cough cough.  BUt we had lots of fun!

ON tuesday my Sweetness took me to Art Instatute of Atlanta and it was great!  YAY!  School!  I'm so excited about going.  I spent the rest of the day with my sweeties,  it too was great! 

Wensday I worked and went to Discover with Missy.   We hung out for the night at her new house.  It's really nice,  and I had fun hanging out with her again.  I spent the night.

Thursday I went to the mall of georgia with missy and then took my car to get it fixed to Bulldog tire after my little scuffle with Goodyear.  Yeah they suck serious ass! NEVER use goodyear,  thats my advice!  I then proceeded to go out with Daniel at locos.  YUM!  We rented Phonebooth...  It was alright. 

But thus far thats been my week, ta da!
Mood:  Hungry!  Gimmie some food dammit!!


"Stop throwing fries in my croch!"
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