July 20th,  2003  9:51 a.m.

Hello there everybody!  So I wrote down that i needed to have Mon.  and Fri.  off and of course i got scheduled for both those days.  I mean seriously why do you have your employees write what days they need off if you don't pay any kind of attention to it.  Grr..

Anyways,  so Friday was Daniel's birthday.  I gave him his gifts,  took him to the Mexican Restraunt,  we were ganna go to the Black Eyed Peas show but we decided it was way too hot,  so we went to the movies to see Bad Boys 2.  GOOD movie by the way!  It kicked a lot of ass!  He said he enjoyed himself so YAY!!

Tomorrow  bes our anniversairy.  Yay five months and he doesn't hate me!  Woot Woot!  This summer is ganna kick a lot of ass. I'm sorry I'm just all excited about so many things!

Mon.  5 month anniversiary
Fri.  Our Lady Peace
Aug.  1st- 8th Ohio or bust!
Aug.  22nd 311 (Hell yeah!)
Aug.  29th The baby (me) finally turns 19!


So i need to get a hair cut in the worst way,  ha there is a problem. NO MONEY! :(  I really need one though and i'd like it before i go off to Ohio so they can see how my hair is supposed to look instead of this long stringy mess I have now.  I'd also like to do the first step into coloring my hair.  And of course i'm all for the home kits.  I need jet black,  i mean seriously black!  Then i need a bleaching kit for the streak so i can use the pink dye i have to make the streak pink.  So if you add all that up it equals out to be $894384674856742846724 which i don't have.  Grrr...  eh I'm sure that by my next three checks it will be done :)  And everyone will be jealous.  Oh yay!  I saw this chick on a TLC wedding thing that had the coolest hair in the world.  She had black hair and on the right side she had a red chunk and behind that a white blonde chunk it was so cute I'm jealous.
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