Augest 23rd,  2003  5:43 p.m.

Hola!  It's been a while;  but until carl fixes the cookies on our new computer,  i can't update my page.  Also the laptop was returned;  so i can't use it.  Will our hero ever be able to update her page on her computer again?!?!

Anyways,  back to my update...  So the 21st was daniel and i's 6 mon. anniversary. YAY!  We went to the mall; walked around,  went to target,  and staples.  After we worked up an appitite we went to moe's.  Good stuff there peoples!  But if you order a taco may i recomend a fork!  They are HUGE!  We rented chicago!  WOOT WOOT!  That movie kicked my ass!  So happy 6 mon. to us!!

I love you sweetness!!!

Then on fri. i had a work meeting,  BLAH!  But not even a stupid pointless meeting could ruin my day,  cause i was ganna see 311!  Daniel and i left around 5.  We arrived @ lakewood (you heard me; LAKEWOOD!)  Went to get frisked...

tight shirt+ tight jeans= No way could this bitch be hiding anything
(or is she?!?!)

HAHA suckers!  Camara hidden in her oversized shoe!

Daniel and i proceeded to the merch.  We each got a shirt and we were off to the pit!  We arrived just in time to see Something Corporate.  And this time they kicked ass!  The lead singer had a hanson sticker on his piano!  Haha!  Well after them; love g and the special sauce took the stage.  They were pretty cool.  And then it was time!  311 took the stage and rocked my face!  I was totally blown away!  Unless you've seen them live you won't even be able to fathom.  My words would do NO justice.  They kick ass! 

After the amazing in my face,  kick ass,  311 extravaganza;  a very sweatie daniel and myself proceeded to hunt for bonnie.  After a few mins of searching daniel found bonnie and with great excitment jumped from her trunk,  to the roof and ran down her hood.  It was ALL good funness!

p.s.- Sam where was ya?!?!
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