August 30th,  2003  4:09p.m.

Hello there kidies!  So yesturdays was my 19th birfday!  It was really good.  My mommies, carl, and austin gave me a really cute audrey purse.  It has the scene from breakfest with tffany's.  It's cute!  At 10:30 i went and gots my hair fixed.  It's all prettaful!  Yayness!  I gots a call from both kelley and tiff-tiff wishing me a good birfday.  It was really nice!  I pretty much chilled for a lot of the day.  My sweetness came over round 6.  He gave me my presents.  And he spoiled me!  He's too sweet!  He took me to loco's for dinner.  Kyle met us up there,  and we all had good food with one freaky waitress.  She looked like she had had some fun before we got there.  *cough cough*  Before we left locos kyle gave me a gift.  It was really nice of him!  After chillin in the parking lot like we always do and chasing a wee little baby rabbit (we were after it b/c we wanted to take it else where so nothing would happen to his sweet little self.)  we went to daniel's house to hang out.  We talked and looked up stuff on the internet.  All good stuff!  Babies drove me home i'd say round 2 a.m. and it was time to goes to bed for work.  I had a really good time,  and i appricated everything! 

Today i of course went into work.  It was Sam, Dr. Junior,  and myself.  We had lots of fun b/c it was slow and did nothing but goof off.  Plus we didn't open till 10 or so cause gary didn't show and they had to call in "the man"!  And for some reason i keep thinkin it's sunday.  But it's not i have tom. off dammit!  It's all cause the schedule got screwed all sorts of ways.  But yada yada.  I'll shut my trap for nows.  TTYL
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