Sept. 6th,  2003  10:55 a.m.

Hey there peoples!  So i just got back from opening up a checking account.  Yay! Go me!  So i gots that all taken care of.  I found out that i still owe $500 on a car that i hate.  And update folks the passanger locks don't work! Oh yes, isn't that lovely!  I mean at least their glued in lock mode right?!?!  Yay!  Life is peachy!

For real though everything is all good.  I FINALLY got that checking account open;  which was somthing i really wanted to do.  Also the last thurs. that passed i got to go to GSU with my babies.  I ate the best all you can eat breakfest for $4.20!  Mmm... potatoes!  I sat in all of his classes,  cept history which was cancled.  I loved his astronmy class!  The teacher was funny and i've always found that stuff kinda interesting.  We breaked from 9 till 1 so we walked around campus,  played pool,  and did some damage in underground.  We mainly looked at the cows on parade.  That shiot is kewl!  Then we procceded to speech.  This was a pretty cool class.  Then off to government which i found intertaining.  Mainly b/c everything the man was saying i remebered form 11th grade.  I know its required,  but pssh!  But i still a very neat thing to sit in on.  And this was my day at schoolness!

Friday was a drag.  I worked!  Whoopie.  But late friday night was cool b/c daniel and i rented
Empire Records and that movie simply rocked my face!  Yet another movie i must add to my ever growing "wish i owned that one" movie list!  So i am now currently seeking it and Life of David Gale. Yeah!

Piece fools!
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