Sept. 16th,  2003 1:04 a.m.

Well as i'm sitting here half wide-eyed and about to dooze away,  i figured i ought to leave an entry b/c it's been a while...

So last Friday i worked from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. which sucked!  More then one can say. 

Sat. however,  i cashed a $50 check that my dad gave me for my birthday.  Which i plan to make my weekly budget.  This way i can save up for Ohio, school, a phone,  and maybe one day (nowhere in the near future) a car.  I really hope to stick with this budget.  I've done good so far.  Even though "so far" has only been 2 weeks.  Though i hate to say it,  slight jealousy is what i believe is driving me.  However,  if thats what it takes then by god,  so be it!  Wow that sounded kinda shitty.  Anyways,  i just REALLY need to save up the cash! 

After watching OSU beat N.C. State in triple over-time.  It was time to go to best buy and purchase really good movies!  My mom gave me the cash to buy "the life of david gale",  and i treated myself to "Poolhall Junkies".  Both VERY superb movies!  I then proceded to Mr. Sexy Daniel Edgerton's house.  To pick on him,  always really good fun! 

We went to the Waffle House where we met the TOO fast TOO furious crew.  We turned out of that waffle house parking lot,  and jetted over to the other one past 316.  This waffle house atmosphere wasn't clogged with all the gay-ass thugg thuggs.  So we ate there! 

Waffle House food is always the shit.  SO theres no point in me telling you about that!

Well while tryin to find a decent waffle house;  daniel's friend denise called him  and invited us to this chicks house to hang out and what nots.  That was all good fun!  Ah yes, "power hour",  beer,  camaras,  piggie tails,  bow ties,  eye liner,  and even more beer.  Sucks if you weren't there,  cause then you'd know what i was talking about!  It was really cool to hang out.  Specially with a group of peoples i didn't know.  It's been a while sense i've met new peoples,  and they all seemed to kick a lot of ace!  SO thanks to my sweeties for draggin me along! :)  Tehehe!

Sunday was sleepy day.  We went to Chili's and what not.  But mainly daniel and i did some serious sleeping.  We was all kindsa tireds! And now that i realize it; DAMMIT i missed ATHF :(

Today i worked... BLAH! But after finaly getting off at 6!!! I went to pick up my buddy Kaitlin we drove to DM to get my movies from daniel and have kaitlin pick up a book.  Along the way to books a million,  she got stopped by one of those guys tryin to sell that nail crap.  She drools all over him and what not and i wish to gag!  Those guys get paid to talk suave and flirt with girls to buy whatever product their sellin.  Makes me want to knee 'em in the crotch.  Cause it's so fuckin lame!  And of course kaitlin bought into it.  :( All throughout the rest of the mall visit;  "he was cute"  "you think i could get his number" "yadda yadda blah".  I hate that so much.  Am i the only one that realizes these guys are fake as hell!  Ah well. 

So finally we got to eat some grub,  and i got way too much as always.  So as i'm eating i see the worlds sexiest man walk by.  And all i could think of was that guy so wants my left over food!  So i make him a little take out box,  and he tells me thank you!  Am i not just the sweetest girlfriend ever! I know i am! :) Hehe.

As for tomorrow... i work... again... BLAH!

But for nows i'm goings to bed. NIghtie Nite!
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