Sept.  22,  2003  9:28 p.m.

So today i get off work only to find my passanger floor board and seat drenched with rain.  My audry purse soaked.  Ten gallons of water sit in the door,  causing the simple task of opening and closing it a thousand times harder.  I hate my car.  Sure i can drill holes in the door for the water not to sit in it.  But what about the lovely smell that is caused by the soaked floorboard;  this scent lingers for days depending on how bad the rain fell.  What do i do about that?  Replace it.  Why?!?! I just spent over $600 on a car that won't even give me that much if i were to trade it in.  Why put in more?  My door locks all jacked up on the passanger side.  Hell my back seat doesn't have anything to roll the window down with,  the roof sags,  tape player doesn't work,  and a few other things that just get on my nerves. 

So i found a solution:  Buy a new car.  I look for one and i find a vehicle that makes my heart sink.  A 2000 chevy s-10 extreme.  40K miles;  asking price $7,961.  Pinch me i'm dreaming.  OH but wait,  you're looking at a girl with 0 credit,  no large purchases of any kind,   maybe a $400 trade in,  and only $400 to her name.  This Lovely s-10 extrme anywhere in her near future?  HELL NO!  Only thing in her near future is a long road of saving up cash,  that will only dwindle itself away to find her broke again,  to make her save again,  to go broke again,  and for her to drive that Bubble for the rest of her life until she dies or sells her soul to Gary whom will FOREVER be her boss.  YAY!

So good-bye dear friend.  I would have love to have driven you on summers days and winter nights.  To have your functioning cd player.  Your non-wet floor boards,  and correctly working locks.  I would have adoreded you from my bedroom window as you sat in my drive-way.  I would wash you every sat.  and waxed you once a month to keep your beautiful paint job glissining in the sun;  just as it did the day i drove you home from the dealership.  Alas,  you are just a dream.  A stones throw away,  but every rock falls just short.
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