Definitely Maybe Discography

Definitely Maybe is Oasis' first album. This album consists of 11 tracks, 4 of which were released as singles and the other tracks were either previously unreleased or released as B-sides to singles. Released on the 29th August 1994, the album took the No.1 spot in the UK album charts on release and also became the fastest selling debut album, ever. The title actually came from something Noel and Oasis' producer used to say in the recording studio. They'd say "I'm gonna include that track definitely,....maybe"

The track list to the album is as follows

  • Rock 'n' Roll Star                5:23 m:s
  • Shakermaker                       5:08 m:s
  • Live Forever                         4:36 m:s
  • Up In The Sky                      4: 28 m:s
  • Columbia                              6:16 m:s
  • Supersonic                           4:43 m:s
  • Bring It On Down                4:17 m:s
  • Cigarettes & Alcohol          4:49 m:s
  • Digsy's Dinner                     2:32 m:s
  • Slide Away                            6:32 m:s
  • Married With Children        3:12 m:s
  • Noel Gallagher actually performed most of the drums for this album. The front cover of the album features a scene of the whole band inside Bonehead's house. Surrounding the group are items of the greats, including pictures of George Best and Rodney Marsh (Classic Greats in English football), 'The Good The Bad And The Ugly' on the TV and also an album by Burt Bacarach. Bonehead says these are all things of the greats and the band are surrounded by these things because they themselves are one of the greatest bands.
    The album was also released in different formats and versions. The vinyl format of the album that was released includes the track 'Sad Song' which is an acoustic track performed by Noel. There is also a version released as a double CD. The second CD took three tracks, 'Whatever', '(It's Good) To Be Free' and 'Half The World Away'. 'Whatever' was released that year as a single and the other two tracks took the position of B-side to it.
    Click to purchase 'Definitely Maybe' from CD Universe

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