Practice Tips


Most of us get nervous before a performance.  What’s the best way to deal with it? 


2-3 weeks before the performance: Now is the best time to work hard and set everything straight.  This is just like preparing for a final exam—you are reviewing and locking things in your brain right now and not last minute!

Practice on focusing.  Most students practice on automatic and tend to think of something else when they practice.  However, conscious attention is necessary to train the fingers and synchronize the mind with playing.  When it comes to the performance, that is when we really think and if we have not thought things through, we become even more nervous.
Focus on the details.  One day, only pay close attention to color and pedaling.  On another day, focus on dynamics.  Another day focus on choreography, etc.  Each successive day of detailed practicing prepares the mind and builds confidence for success.
Play in public.  It is a good idea to simulate actual recital conditions by playing for a small audience.  Friends, mentors, and family members can even offer you feedback!
Decide on attire.  This ensures you will be comfortable during the performance and you don’t have to worry about tight sleeves, squeaky or uncomfortable shoes, etc.


The day of the concert:

Eat carbohydrates for extra energy and avoid fats, sugars, and caffeine.
Practice or not practice?  Some people prefer to save their energy for the performance, while others like to “warm-up” before they go on stage.  If you do decide to practice, practice SLOW.  Do not play anything by memory; always play with music.  Any last-minute problems you may have may bother you on stage!
Physical activity?  Meditation?  It is different for every person.  Do what is best for you.


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