Lee Kennels
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Puppy Checklist:
Dog News
Here is a checklist of some things to help welcome your new puppy!
1. Small safe puppy toys (your puppy is going to be very small so the smaller the better).

2. A puppy proof dedicated confinement area when you can't watch the puppy. We recommend a plastic kennel but you can use a tall cardboard box if you prefer.

3. Lining for the confined area. Used blankets or towels work well. Kepp in mind that your puppy might have an accident.

4. Water and food dishes. Your puppy will need something to eat and drink out of.

5. Good quality dog food. We feed our dogs grain-free organic Natures Variety.

6. Collar and leash. My experience has been having to use an adjustable cat collar but companies have since expanded their small dog lines.

7. Treats. Puppies are teething and need something to chew on. You can provide them small sticks of rawhide, bullies, or any appropriate chewing device that cannot be easily swallowed and is safe to digest.

8. Camera. Trust me, you are going to want to take tons of pictures of your cute lil' puppy.
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