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Breed Standard:
Ears- Wedge shaped placed well on side of head. FLAW; spaced too far apart, one down one up, round and bat like.

Skull- Slightly rounded. FLAW; apple or dome head or very narrow skull.

Eyes- Almond or oval or round, moderately small, expressive, brown or shaded according to color of coat. FLAW; bulging eyes.

Muzzel- Medium long, muscular cheeks, tapered but not snippy. Distance approximately equal to skull. Moderate stop. FLAW; too sharp of a stop like seen on the Chihuahua breed.

Nose- Black or slate, brown or red shaded according to coat color. FLAW; pink or pink spotted, snow nose.

Stop- Moderate, tapered. Not sharp.

Bite/Lips- Level or scissors with even straight and thin lips. FLAW; undershot or overshot bite or large or bulging lips.

Body- Class A height approximately the same to the length. Length not to exceed 3' from height. Class B for the short leg type, body length not to exceed 3' in proporation to leg length. FLAW; excessive barrel chest or round body.

Neck- Moderately long, slightly arched, widening into the shoulder, strong and muscular in appearance giving good support to head.

Shoulders- Sloping and well arched with good layback.

Back- Straight and strong. FLAW; roached, sway or rounded rump.

Tail- Carried erect while moving, set high. When docked as a puppy leave approximately 2/3" on the dog. Adults 2"-2 1/2". FLAW; no tail or full tail unless born a natural bob.

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