From "what to expect: The Toddler Years"

Apple Butter Cake

Butter and flour, for the cake pans
1 C whole-wheat flour
1/2 c unbleached flour
1/2 c wheat germ
2 t baking soda
1 t ground cinnamon
1 c unsweetened apple butter, plus additional for optional filling

1 C plus 2 T apple juice concentrate
2 whole eggs
1 egg white
1 c dried appricots
Cream Cheese Frosting (Recipe Follows)

Preheat the oven to 350 deg. Lightly butter and flour two 9 inch cake pans.

Combine the flours, wheat germ, baking soda, and cinnemon in a large bowl. In another bowl, beat together 1 c of the apple butter, the juice concentrate, eggs, egg white, and appricots until well blended. Stir the applebutter mixture into the flour mixture until just blended.

Pour the batter into the prepared pans. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of a layer comes out clean, about 25 minutes. Transfer the pans to a rack to cool; then loosen the sides with a sharp knife and invert the layers onto plates to cool completely.

Frost if desired. Thickly spread the top of one of the layers with enough applebutter to cover, then place the second layer over the filling. Cover the top of the cake with the cream cheese frosting and refrigerate until serving time.

Cream Cheese Frosting

1 package light cream cheese at room temperature
1/3 c applebutter, or to taste

Blend together thje cream cheese and applebutter until creamy.

Makes 1 9 inch layer cake or two 9 inch cakes
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