From What to Expect: The Toddler years

1 T unflavored Geletin 1/2 c water 1 c unsweetened fruit juice or fruit juice blend 1/2 c fruit juice concentrate 1/2 c fruit (sliced banana, peach, apricot or drained or canned juice sweetened fruit--optional) combine the geletinand water in a small saucepan. Stir and let stand to soften he gelatin 1 minute. Heat over med-high heat jsut to boiling. Remove from heat and stir in the juice and juice concentrate blending until the gelatin is disolved. pour the mixture into a shallow bowl or 4 individual custard cups. place in the freezer until thivckened, 10-15 minutes.stir in the fruit if desired. chikll in the refrigerator until firm.
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