<center>Leeash 'Cavy Stud'<center>

Leeash 'Cavies' Pregnancy Page

One thing I have learned is be aware of what your sow eats during her pregnancy..Pregnancy Toxemia is HEART Breaking to see your sow suffer this..
I feed my pregnant sows religously is this manner..It may sound very regimental but I had a run of loosing my sows from over feeding during pregnancy & since we have started this feeding programme there has been no more loses..It still might happen occasionally even with this feeding programme but it is a good prevention start..All measurments are 1 handful..I have a little hand, so if you have a large hand 1/2 a handful then

Monday MorningLucerne Chaff OnlyMonday NightGrass & Carrots
Tuesday Morning Carrot & ChaffTuesday NightStud Horse Mix & Grass
Wednesday MorningGrass OnlyWednesday NightChaff & Grass
Thursday Morning ChaffThursday NightChaff Grass & Carrots
Friday MorningRabbit Pellets Friday NightGrass
Saturday MorningChaff Saturday NightGrass
Sunday Morning (Church) lolChaff & CarrotSunday NightMix & Grass
In the last 2 weeks I also add Pentavite (for children) vitamin syrup to her water.0.5ml-150 mls water (Change Daily)
You can give 1 drop of the Pentavite for (Infants strength) on the tongue daily instead off in the water if you wish..
This is readily availiable from your local Chemist

The Correct way to pick up your Pregnant Sow

After the sow has had her bubs FEED HER UP to help with the demands of the suckling young...I change all my chaff feeds to Mix & Pellets alternately..

**Signs Of The Time**

Usually breeders religously check their pregnant sow every hour...Only to awaken in the morning to find 3 or 4 fluffy little faces looking at them :0)...All has gone well & they missed the main event..

Here are a few tips on how to detect how far into the pregnancy the sow is & when to start boiling the water...hehehe
The sow carriers her young for a period of 65 days-71 days..The babies are born fully furred,eyes open & ready to eat at only hours old...AMAZING...
If you gently place your hands either side of the sows belly,very gentle,& feel for slight movement,The fist signs of movement is rughly when the sow only has 3 weeks to go..
MMM Clue 1

As the sow progresses the movements become more vigorous & more noticeable..I like to quietly watch the sow at siesta time & watch the bubs wriggleing & kicking..Poor Mum..

Clue 2 You can carefully feel the pelvic bones..They are located just above the sows vent..usually they are very tightly closed..in the last week they start to seperate,when the bones are around 2.5 centimeters apart..BOIL THE WATER..seriously the bubs are not far away,now is the time to check your sow at regular intervals..I usually check mine 1/2 hourly but hourly is enough..I like the exercise..hehe
Even after all this you can still miss the big event..I had a sow I checked all day NOTHING..I sat down to have my dinner & when I went to check after I finished she had 3 wet little worms..Arrrgh I missed it..

When the sow gives birth she will stand on her toes & push from the pelvic area,sometimes she will squeek or grunt.She will will reach & lick between her hind legs until the baby slides out..She then proceeds to bit off the sac & vigerously lick her baby clean..This action has 2 purposes..1 to clean the new born 2 To stimulate the new borns breathing..She will also eat the after birth PLEASE don't remove this as she needs it to stimulate her milk letdown..They are usually vegetarians so this is very normal..
A normal birth should only take around 1 hour maybe 1 & 1/2..Any longer than this could mean problems,so consult your vet..

� 1998

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