Quotes from the famous Interlaken weekend
featuring US Langers

Best Beer

The free ones

Best Body

Aussie with sense-of-humour-failure

Best Burger

The Adventure world special

Best Car on Swiss Roads

The VW Drug machine

Best comment

Joint winners Stevo - "Ride the freak man, ride the freak" & Lee in Singapore replying to the question "Do you want normal beer?" - "What nomore beer?"

Best Dancer

Roberta with lasers on her

Best failed attempt for cold water record


Best fitting Hat


Best Football Sopkuts


Best gibberish

Lee (a title since won by Erol at Ty and Sarah's wedding)

Best Guide Canyoning

Marc, Patrick and Jeff

Best Guide Rafting


Best Honey

Yankee in Blue Bikini

Best Organiser


Best Song

2-0 to the ARSE-E-NAL ...

Best Speeding offence

Roberto (160 in an 80 zone)

Best stuntman

Harto alias Ironman or Woodhead

Best Volleyball Team


Biggest Pair of Tits


Bridge Hanging Award


Funniest Bastard

Lee & Steve

Most disgusting act

Lee pissing on someone else's wet suit !

Most disgusting act: Runner-Up

Lee pissing on the mini bus !

Most excellent Supplier


Most excellent Weekend


Most Fearful Look

Roberto (falling out of the raft) and Tahir ("Do I have to jump down THAT!")

Most Fearful Look: Runner-Up

Harto when he saw Steve wearing most excellent mask

Most Front

Lee - 'Are those real' ... 'Yes !' ... ' ... 'Well can I check ?'

Most likely to Pull a woman


Most Murder Attempts

Patrick, at the Washing Machine

Most Stupid Question

'Excuse me please do you know where Balmers Hostel is ?' (5 metres from the sign)

Most useless using matches


Person Slept in Most Beds

Harto and Lee

Stupidest People


Stupidest Photographs

Lee (more than once)

Stupidest place to have a tattoo

On your langer American face

Thickest Bird

Kate (she was as thick as two short planks)

Worse body

American drunkie twat on Sunday before leaving

Worst end to the weekend

Roberto having to have sex on Sunday night

Worst Hammock assembler


Worst Shirt of weekend


have read this amusing extract of a great, great weekend!!

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