PalmTVA 1.5  PalmOS (3.5 - 4.x - 5.x - 6.x)

French version of this page

This program allows to calculate TVA from a specified amount. 5,5% and 19,6% buttons are present, and they can customized by the user to the most used TVA percentages. Custom TVA (from 1% to 95% or user input) is also allowed.

This program is FREE. 


PRC File (15K)

ZIP File (6K) 

Installation information:

Use HotSync to install the .prc file. It is not necessary to remove old versions of PalmTVA, if upgrading.

Contact info:

If you have questions, suggestions or if you want to report a bug: feranick @

Thanks to Michel Mallee for the translation in French and Daniel Chabaud for testing.




(version 1.5) New user interface. Fixed several UI bugs. New graphic button for conversion. TVA hard keys can now be customized. New localization engine allows proper recognition of the decimal point.

(version 1.2) Higher amount number is now allowed.

(version 1.1) Localization of the number format. Manual added.

(version 1.0) First public release.

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