All About Lisa Simpson


     Lisa is the middle Simpson child, an overlooked eight year old that is wise beyond her years. Her interests include the arts, environment, and, of course, school. Lisa, unfortunately, lacks positive support from her family and is ostracized by her peers at school. She can often be seen playing her saxophone, which she once described as her best friend. She also fights for environmental causes and is a vegetarian. Among her list of accomplishments:

Am I like Lisa? Although I am good at academics, I would have to say, HELL,NO! If fact, I am more like Mr. Burns: greedy, money-hungry, heartless, merciless. My concern for the environment isn’t that strong (I mean, someday I’m gonna be driving large, fuel hungry V-8 American luxury cars!) and I prefer gangsta rap music to jazz. There’s no way I could be a vegetarian, as my diet at Clemson consists of 3-5 hamburgers a day!

         That’s my little introduction to Lisa Simpson. For more detailed information check out the largest Lisa resource on the Internet, Little Miss Springfield. Point your browser to:


Lisa Home Page


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This page updated 1/25/03.

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