Lee�s Photos

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All photos are located on my Yahoo! Photo Album.



National Residence Life conference held at Syracuse University in new York, May, 2005. Includes a day trip to Niagara Falls before the conference.

Relay For Life 2005

An all-nighter fighting cancer. Clemson's walk was on April 15-16, 2005.

RHA Banquet 2005

The end of the year banquet for RHA. Held on April 15-16, 2005.

Phillip Prince Alumni Scholarship Dinner

A few photos from the Scholarship dinner on March 10, 2005.

SCORE 2005

Statewide residential life conference held at Furman University, February 4-5, 2005.


Southeastern regional residential life conference, held at University of Louisville.

Halloween 2004 and 22nd Birthday Party

Birthday Party was at Chili's Too. Halloween stuff at Hendrix, Lever, and Holmes. I was in drag for all of it...Again!!!

Golden key Induction Ceremony 2004

Inductees for the Golden Key International Honour Society.

2004 Student Senate Retreat

At the Hyatt Regency Greenville in October. We had the opportunity to meet administrators as well as fellow senators. Just ignore the fact that Usher and Kanye West were also in the hotel that night!

RA Training 2004

Fall RA training, the week before classes started.

Masquerade Ball 2004

Mardi Gras themed party held on February 28, 2004 and sponsored by RHA.

SCORE 2004

Statewide residence life conference held at Clemson.

Christmas 2003

At home in New York.


Regional residence life conference for the South Atlantic region. This year�s conference was held at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. It was a LOT of fun!

Halloween 2003 at Clemson

This year I take the whole "drag queen" thing into overdrive! A wig, a cute dress, pantyhose, heels, ... I go all the way!

Holmes 1920's Party

Held on March 29, 2003.

SCORE 2003 Pictures

From University of South Carolina, January 31-February 1, 2003. Eventually, more conference pictures will be available on the Clemson RHA web site.

Christmas 2002 from Dansville

I spent Christmas in New York, braving freakishly cold temperatures and a horrid white substance that the locals call �snow.� What�s up with that, y�all? Yeah, but I got to see my friends. That�s what�s important.

Spring Break 2002, in Dansville, NY

Ah, Spring Break in beautiful exotic Dansville, NY!

Dansville (NY) High School, Class of 2001, Senior Year

A lot of pictures here, ready for your viewing pleasure. These are my old homies from D�Ville. Peace.


Unless otherwise stated, this page, and all content on it, is � Lee G. Gilman.

This page updated 11/1/03.

Please send any comments to [email protected].


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