Eunsook Yoo

My mother is the most amazing person I know. She has a fire and a will that I haven't seen in anyone that I've encountered. Her inner strength and ability to endure hardship have inspired me and her talents are many. Aside from being a world-class pianist, she is an artist, a loving mother, and a determined soul. She is constantly stimulating her mind and looking for new experiences and information - I have never seen her sit still and do nothing! She is a constant buzz of energy, and life is never boring around her. At times she can be difficult, but it only adds spice and character to her many facets. Aren't the feisty ones more lovable anyway? Below are some images that I've scanned off of her computer - she is the only one that I've ever known to use MSPaint, and the results are beautiful (now this is from a person who never used a computer before in her life). She also has many beautiful paintings which someday I hope to photograph and post here.

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