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Fast answers to FAQ

My name is : Leena Devi Ganesh (Y! Status: )
I'm from : Penang, Malaysia
I am currently : working as an Application Analyst
I have : a Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering, my own style of living and my own taste in everything.
Alma Mater : Multimedia University (Malaysia), N.T. Methodist Secondary School, N.T. Methodist Primary School
My family : consists of five people including myself. My dad is a businessman, my mom is a housewife. I have an elder sis (married) who works as an accountant, my brother-in-law is a businessman as well and I have a younger sis who is now in high school.
My favorite color is : Green (the very reason why my house is painted in green :D)
My mom gave birth to me on : 29 November
My best friend is : a teddy bear named Gundu
My height : is 5ft 9in (approx. 1.78m)
My weight : fluctuates
My favorite cartoon characters are : Garfield, Homestarruner, and Spongebob Squarepants
I can never stop eating : Idli (a type of Indian food), mango, seedless grapes, jelebi *wink*
I love : my computer, myself, my family
I can never live without : fresh plain water, my friends, my computer, my MP3 collections
The first thing I do every day : Look at the mirror

The last thing I do every day : Look at the mirror
I don't think : world peace can be achieved, marriage is a necessary thing in a woman's life, love is always sweet
I do think : marriage is the best form of commitment available, I can be weird at times, I talk a lot.
The best things my parents ever gave me : an opportunity to live, two lovely sisters, proper education, car :D
I feel : telephone and washing machine are the best inventions ever, men and women should be equally respected, I will never get married :D
When I was a kid, I : was shy, quiet, and reserved (surprisingly huh?), aspired to be a scientist and an astronaut, was the earliest to wake up in the morning, used to talk to the sun, moon, rain drops, and even the trees, tried to save the ants from being stomped by me.

Online Photo Albums (the only way for you to see me :P):

There you go! Now you have a slight idea of who I am.

Well just to add a little bit more, I am not a writer, nor do I write any stories. I write about issues that I see, hear, and talk about everyday (But that doesn't mean I write about my everyday crap here). I don't really discuss about these issues with just about anyone. Some posts have serious tone, some don't.

Whatever you read in this site are entirely based on my experience. You need to have an open mind to read my posts.

[ Note: My writings are usually untitled. The titles that I give in archive page is for my reference purposes. More often than not, the title and the story doesn't really match. Pardon me for that. And please be reminded that all my stuff are copyrighted, so ask my permission first if you wish to re-use the materials here. And as a friendly disclaimer, I hold no responsibility or what-so-ever if any of my site's contents has affected anyone, anyhow, be it good or be it bad. :) ]

I have a very deep interest in whatever nature has to offer. I marvel at human intelligence, at the vast open seas, at everything. More often than not, I question why things are made this way and why not the other way round. Why here and not there. Why and why... :)

And I wonder why my parents were never really happy about it :D

I'm always on the lookout for anything new and exciting. I would love to try something if that something is different from the usual thing (Haha...). Well, I would call my self as an extreme person; I'm either very active or very passive, I either eat a lot or don't eat at all, I'm either very busy or very free, I either stay awake for one whole day or sleep through the entire day, I'm either too hardworking or too lazy. Yes, I lack balance in my life.

If you have any comments or feedbacks about my web site, you can always email me to let me know. I will read all the mails but I can't promise I'll reply (unless, of course, if you insist for a reply). I have much more better things to do than sit in front of the computer 24/7 waiting for emails. :))

So, have fun! And yeah, see that picture up there? Those are tulips, my favorite flower (explains why tulips decorate my desktop, hehe... And yes, I would love to visit Holland one day!). Aren't they beautiful?? :)

[email protected]

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