
Proposal: To release all women prisoners on the occasion of the year of women�s empowerment.

1] There are nearly 10000 women prisoners (8645, out of which only 1873 are convicts, others are under trial�1999 NCRB data) in the country. With the population of 100 crores, their ratio comes to about 100 per crore, or 0.0001 %. An utterly negligible number. The socity can very well afford/handle a situation where they don�t have to be necessarily kept behind the stone walls of the prison.

2] Keeping the women in jails shatters the family much beyond redemption. Women are not just �a member of the family� but generally provide an anchor to the family and their absence due to imprisonment results in a greater loss to the family.

3] Nearly half of the women prisoners are under trial, theoretically, NON-GUILTY, till proved otherwise in a trial. Yet their freedom is lost, their time, energy and all rights are suspended and they get almost the same treatment as the convicted women.

3] When a man returns from jail he still retains some acceptability in the family as well as in the society. When woman returns home from jail, her acceptability is practically zero. Thus her years of punishment are much more than the �de juro� punishment. Unfortunately, her entire old age security depends on rebuilding this acceptability to whatever extent possible. Thus, by putting women in prison the society is choosing either an increased problem of old- age rehabilitation or increased insensitivity to women�s plight.

4] If not for others, there is a strong case for releasing at least those women who have crossed the age of 50 years, so that there is some hope of their proper rehabilitation in the society.

5] The women in jails can be divided into 4 categories:

6] Generally, no data base is maintained/analysed at a higher level in respect of women prisoners. Following proforma was suggested by me to the Suptd. of Arthur Road jail, Mumbai.


Dt of admission






Dt of 1st hearing

Dt of shifting elsewhere

Dt of case disposal


A data -base created by using Excel software can be used for quite a long term analysis and policy making. It can also be a useful tool in reducing the pendency of under- trial cases.


There are 2 alternatives/actions that can be tried by the dept.

Some additional points also deserve consideration:


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