Crime, Women and Justice delivery : The numbers speak

 --Leena Mehendale1


Abstract: The National Crime statistics as published by NCRB can be taken as a starting point for spatial analysis of crime situation in India and possible suggestions for a proper strategy to reduce the crimes. This can be further linked to the study of Justice Delivery system, sex ratio imbalance, literacy, work force participation etc. based on which a geographical thrust area can be delineated. An agenda can be set for both the govt. and activists. Such a study was not attempted so far.

An analysis of crime records for the years 1995-96-97 for 21 types of crimes under IPC and crimes 6 types against women  as done hereunder showed that:

1)     Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra registered largest number of crimes. However, rate of crime was highest in Delhi, being at least 150% higher than in any other state.

2)     Rate of total crimes against women was highest in Rajashtan, MP, Delhi and Maharashtra.

3)     States with low crime rates are Lakshadweep, Punjab, Meghalaya, Nagaland, and West Bengal.

4)     4 states with maximum crime rate are also the states with highest rape rate. They are Delhi, Rajasthan, MP, Mizoram. A scatter diagram of total crimes Vs rapes shows a general corelation between the two. Hence increase in total crime rate should ring alarm.

5)      Punjab having low rates fot all other crimes against women has  the 5th highest dowry death rate.

6)      West Bengal having low crime rates has surprisingly the highest ratio of crimes against women to total crimes.

7)     The lower number of crimes in some states could be on account of improper or  non- recording.

8)     States having high rates for dowry death are seen to be having low female to male ratio, particularly for 0- 6 age group as registered in the census of 2001.

9)     The NCRB must start making a separate record of organised or mass atrocities against women. This is not done as yet.

10)  In most of the states the justice delivery is unfavourable to women victims. Conviction rates for rapes are much below those for overall crimes. A state and district level study of pending cases, trials and conviction rates is strongly indicated.


1 The author is Joint Sec to GoI working with National Commission for Women. This article is a part of her private study.  email: [email protected].

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