Symbolism Wrksht
All Quiet on the western front Group Questions

1. It shows how they are fighting like a bunch of animals and life is short.  It shows how war isn�t helping and it�s ruining many young lives.  On the battlefield if you are a human you are dead.  The destructiveness of war.

2. It�s because he doesn�t have his uniform on and feels of lesser importance and less security.  He lost his innocence in the brothels.

3. It shows how he is no longer a boy and has done a lot of growing up in the war.  He hasn�t had a lot of the good experiences many others do.  He doesn�t see things the same way.

4. It shows how a good job for them is what we consider a horrible and bad job.  Also war isn�t a time for rest and every chance they get they take it.

5. It shows how they will do anything to get out of the war and injuries are popular. 

6. War is dangerous.  There are many injuries.  People die a lot.  Wars destructive power.

7. Symbolism of escapism.  Daydream to get out of uncomfortable situation.
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