Road`_^Dog 0wning

Road`_^Dog 0wning

In the following logs, DarkProdigy and Road_Dog (under the nick name S74|k0r) take over the channel #nike

Being the strong silent type, Road_Dog entered the channel and sat there for 15 minutes doing nothing but checking out the /whois of certain users in the channel and looking at the access list. Saying nothing. Unlike Road_Dog, DarkProdigy strides straight in and asks for access... at which he is granted at level 150. Realising how easy this is... Road_Dog follows suit and is also given level 150 access to #nike.

The channel rolls on for another 10 or 15 minutes while Road_Dog and DarkProdigy communicate as to how to obtain the channel. This being the result:
[02:02] *** Road`_^Dog was kicked by DarkProdigy (i n s y!kb... Banned by: R0llinAfAtTy(*!*@*; victim #066)
There goes the owner thanks to DarkProdigy, now the big one by Road_Dog:
[02:02] *** S74|k0r sets mode: +b *!*@
[02:02] *** Axel was kicked by S74|k0r (banned �_�)
[02:02] *** S74|k0r sets mode: +b *!*
[02:02] *** ELiZaBeTh was kicked by S74|k0r (banned �_�)
[02:02] *** S74|k0r sets mode: +b *!*
[02:02] *** RachMissesTwist was kicked by S74|k0r (banned �_�)
[02:02] *** S74|k0r sets mode: +b *!*
[02:02] *** sweet-as-berrie was kicked by S74|k0r (banned �_�)
[02:02] *** S74|k0r sets mode: +b *!*@
[02:02] *** ^spank_me^ was kicked by S74|k0r (banned �_�)
[02:02] *** S74|k0r sets mode: +b *!*
[02:02] *** ^ToMcAtZ^ was kicked by S74|k0r (banned �_�)
There she blows, the whole channel apart from the mban exceptions is wiped out. Then of course Road_Dog sets the mandatory topic:
[02:03] *** S74|k0r changes topic to 'j00 were 0wned by 7h3 |337broz'
And to top it off, Road_Dog deleted everyone in the database under level 150:
[02:07] {S74|k0r} `deluser [MiS-TeeQ]
[02:07] -ChanOP- Removed [MiS-TeeQ]'s access from #nike
[02:08] {S74|k0r} `deluser NEeD^4^wEed
[02:08] -ChanOP- Removed NEeD^4^wEed's access from #nike
[02:08] {S74|k0r} `deluser ^CaMaRiNo^
[02:08] -ChanOP- Removed ^CaMaRiNo^'s access from #nike
[02:08] {S74|k0r} `deluser KAPETANIOS
[02:08] -ChanOP- Removed KAPETANIOS's access from #nike
[02:08] {S74|k0r} `deluser GrEeK^MuZzA
[02:08] -ChanOP- Removed GrEeK^MuZzA's access from #nike
[02:08] {S74|k0r} `deluser LiL^_^WoG
[02:08] -ChanOP- Removed LiL^_^WoG's access from #nike
[02:08] {S74|k0r} `deluser Stylish_88
[02:08] -ChanOP- Removed Stylish_88's access from #nike
[02:08] {S74|k0r} `deluser seza_2001
[02:08] -ChanOP- Removed seza_2001's access from #nike
[02:09] {S74|k0r} `deluser SeXy^ItA[l]IaNo
[02:09] -ChanOP- Removed SeXy^ItA[l]IaNo's access from #nike

A very nice peice of work indeed fella's, once again... Road`_^Dog, the owner, had no fucking idea what he was doing and the only way he saw out was to deregister his channel. Yet another success for the |337 Broz.

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