The Toolz
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The Toolz

Here are a couple of Tools that the |337 Broz use. There will be more uploaded later, this is just a sample. Simple instructions are included in each file. If you can't figure out how to use these scripts, then you shouldn't be using them... Simple huh? Apologies for having single text files zipped. But Geocities seems to have something against text files... wankers.

  • |337 Faces: Most IRC users will have seen these faces around channels, we use them for fun... that's right, we even know what 'fun' is in #|337broz.
  • Mass Ban: Pretty much self-explanitory... allows you to ban all the users in a channel, not recommended for large channels as setting heaps of bans does lag you. This peice of scripting does, however have an 'Exception function' which allows you to pick one other person in the channel (other than yourself or ChanOP who are already excepted) to not be banned. If you don't wish to put anyone on exception, leave the box blank and click OK.
That's all for now, as pityfull as it may be some peices of work are still in coding/testing stage... so check back for more. Anyone stupid enough to try and use any of the tools against us will be banned, bent over, humilated and placed here on the web site for everyone else to laugh at.