Patch Work
Copyright 2004: Second Wind

The patches on a home made quilt
Mean more than meets the eye
The threads that hold the cloth together
Are there to signify
A work of art that once was thought the strongest it could be
That sewn together patch work is alot like you and me

Just close your eyes and visualize
The sacred bond we share
Now that the things we took for granted
Are no longer there
We've sewn together memories and we've patched our love with time
These highways are the threadwork that hold together you and I

Patch work makes perfect love much stronger than before
Lets open grandma's sewing box and sit down on the floor
With needle and thread we'll meet together at the seams
And create another golden memory

It seems that all too often
People let good love just go
And I damn near did the same thing
Until I took this ride back home
Our love was once so beautiful, but nowhere near as strong
As it is now that the patch work in between is holding on

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