hopkins friends
It's been a crazy year.  Lots of memories and fun and psycho times... too many of them in the library or the hut heh.. but who can forget late night runs to namgang or rofos? haha thanks for the fun and looking forward to more
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Most of these pics are from earlier in freshman year
Me and Esther at fall retreat (same place where there were a couple of GMC retreats heh... ahh memories at Summit Lake)
Me studying calc 3 studiously while Eva uses my Hyori-backgrounded computer
peace out, yo
Korean honey crackers are used for more than just eating heh heh heh
Me, Annie, and Sai chillin in the RA's room... yeah Baker (and caramel apples heh)
Me and Chung posing in front of AMR I
Me and Jess "lalala"ing at nohraebang
Annie caught me with her camera after I came in from the rain
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