personality test results
Here's me according to emode:

The Ultimate Personality Test: 07.29.2001
I'm an OBSERVER: "You're even keel and don't care about drawing attention to yourself.  Chances are you're more than willing to sit back and simply go with the flow.  You're a born mediator and get along in most situations by relying on your unusally sensitive intuition."

I'd say this is somewhat accurate, though I don't know how good of a mediator I am.

The Career Makeover: 07.29.2001
I'm a DETECTIVE: "The mysteries of man and nature stretch out before you, just waiting for your inquisitive mind.  In your undying quest for the truth, you're best at finding solutions to complex problems.  As a passionate and determined detective, you don't have time for any assistants.  It's just as well really, since you work best alone, pondering the clues from your library or lab.  You thrive on the problem-solving process, you could trouble shoot for Microsoft, and you won't rest until the questions are answered."

I dunno how accurate this one is.  I think I do work best alone, though I don't think that I don't have time for assistants.

What's your true color: 01.29.2002
I'm BROWN: "a credible, stable color that's reminiscent of fine wood, rich leather, and wistful melancholy.  More likely, you're a logical, practical person ruled more by your head than your heart.  With your inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity, you're probably a great problem solver.  And you always gather all of the facts before coming to a timely, informed decision.  Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music.  Brown is an impartial, neutral color, which means you tend to see the difference between fact and opinion easily and are open to many points of view. Trustworthy and steady, you really are a brown at heart."

I think this is actually pretty accurate.  Confirming my old fartness (HEY! u know what ELSE is brown and is associated with old FARTS?)

Which "Friend" are you: 01.29.2002
I'm CHANDLER: "The most lovable wiseguy around, you've got more than a little Bing inside you, don't 'cha? Front and center in your Chandler-ness is that unstoppable wit, keeping everyone in stitches (or at least deflecting uncomfortable situations).  You'd never leave your pals out in the cold.  But your generosity is so inconspicuous that peole often don't even notice it.  Romantically, a soft, sweet heart and charming insecurity rule.  You might, however, be held back from love by that nagging fear of, well, growing up.  But, like Chandler, it's just because you care so much and don't want to let anyone down."

I guess it's a little accurate, though I don't think I'm that funny.  But I really thought I'd be more Ross when I took the test heh.

Who's your type
: 05.02.2002
My type's THE GIRL NEXT DOOR: "Cute, fun, and sweet, your ideal gal is just a stone's throw away - she's the Girl Next Door.  She's Sandra Bullock, Doris Day, and Meg Ryan all rolled up into one.  Naturally pretty rather than glamorous, she's unpretentious and generous.  She loves animals and children, and is great with both.  You're attracted to her strong values and traditional ways.  Although she demands a lot of respect, she's not particularly high-maintenance.  Her ideal date is more likely to be dinner and a movie than heading out for a night on the town.  She's careful yet spontaneous.  But she's got an appeal that's all her own, which is why you can't stay away.  Her winning smile, bright eyes, and loving nature make you want to hold on tight and never let go."

Yup. This is exactly right.

What's your flavor: 05.02.2002
My flavor's MOCHA: "Strong and rich - but not too sweet - you're the flavor of late nights and early mornings.  A coffeehouse regular, you've cornered the market on deep thoughts and probably have a little more than your fair share of brains.  In fact, those who know you may even consider you an intellectual, a label that suits you just fine.  Deep and thoughtful, you love the academic life - or at least the structured pursuit of knowledge.  And, since hitting the books often means all-nighters, what better flavor than mocha to keep you company?  Chocolaty and intense, you're a truly tasty treat."

Hmm considering how much mocha I drank during finals, this makes a lot more sense haha.

What's your superpower
: 05.20.2002
I have PREMONITION: "Your answers show a keen sense of intuition and a natural feel for your surroundings.  These powers give you an incredible talent for predicting the future.  Maybe you answer the phone before it rings or feel a slight tingle seconds before your favorite TV show begins.  Coincidence? Don't count on it.  You tend to pick up on subtle cues in your environment that other people don't notice.  The trick is to trust your gut.  Go with your first choice.  Follow your instincts and just do it!"

No. This is wrong.  I could've sworn that when I took this test before i got invisibility, which I think fits me a lot better.  Eh

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