Name: Michael Chandler
Age: 18
E-Mail: [email protected]
Current Favorite Song: I'd do anything
Favorite Leftover's Song: Girl I Want Today
Hobbies : I like to drum, singing of course, and GTA!
Super Power: I can win any woman I want, just not the ones I want.
Vehicle: 1994 Chevy Tazer
favorite Food : By far, mashed potatoes!
Biggest Crush : The One I wrote Girl I Want Today About ..
Leftover I Would Like to Run Over With My 94 Tazer: Robert
Leftover I Would Marry: Dale
Leftover I Would Suck Dry Of Money Because I Already Have: Josh , Rob
Name: Joshua Stigler Mixon
DOB: 4-19-86
Favorite song ever: "like a movie" by Midtown
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'7"
Weight: undisclosed
Sense of Smell: check
Equipment: A '97 Fender P-Bass through a 220-watt Ampeg combo...ernie ball strings...Jim Dunlop 1 mm picks, in your face.
Name: Robert Terry Pierce
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Lebanese
Availability: Single
Favorite Song: "Always Sayin' " - The Littlest Man Band
Nickname: Tabouleh
Biggest Influence: Aaron Barrett from Reel Big Fish
Guitars: Fender Standard Fat Strat, Epiphone Dot Deluxe, Ovation Celebrity Acoustic-Electric
Rocks: Peavey XL Supreme Head through a Behringer 4x12 Ultrasound Cab
Favorite Leftovers Song: All the songs with a guitar solo
Favorite Venue: Kat Man Joe's in Okmulgee

Name: Dale Michael Sullivan
Gender: Male
Plays: Drums
Also plays: Kazoo, slide whistle
Enjoys: Candlelight dinners, long walks on the beach, and writing poetry.
Equipment: Vintage Blue Tama Rockstar drumset and I don't want to put anything else because it would take too long.
What Robert Thinks of Him: He loves him very much.
Inspirations: Travis Barker and Lars Ulrich
Favorite Song: Adam's Song by Blink-182 "It makes me cry."
Quote: "Wasting time is time consuming."
Favorite Animal: Chinchilla
Miscellaneous Info: I don't take kindly to people who mess with my friends,I love Family Guy, and I think mean people suck.
Name: Tango Chandler
Age: 9 (63  in dog years)
Postion in The Leftovers: Mike's dog, mascot
Hobbies: Stealing Robert's sleeping spot on the bed when he comes to visit Mike, making out with anybody, barking at nothing
Super Power: The ability to shed himself over every inch of clothing that is shown to him
Tattoos:"LC" in his ear
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