Put all of your rpg info in this application and it will be sent to [email protected].


Screen Name:

Your character's name: Only characters from the list of choosable characters can be used.If we are missing any from the series just inform us and it willl be fixed. If you choose one of the made up ones, choose the species.Also choose the union they stand behind. (good/evil)

If your character's specie has no automatic starting planet choose one.(Earth, Namek, Vegeta)

Write 3 attacks to start with below click here For a list of he attacks. Please choose attacks carfully. Dont choose attacks that need training or that need a specific Power Level. If you do I will just ignore them.

Divide 16 points between Attack and Defense
(no less than 6).

Divide 8 points between the leveling up of your Attack and Defense

Divide 13 points between Speed and Special Combat Power(no less than 5).

Divide 8 points between the leveling up of your Speed and Special Combat Power.

Divide 20 points between the leveling up of your KI and HP (no less than 8).

Although it's not needed if there is a pic that you want in your profile, send it in your application. If has to be of your charater and a full body pic.

For a detaled explanation of stats click here

Who referred you to the site?
For everyone you reffer, you get ¥100

If you have parental controls on, inform that in the application. I need to know for the mails I send out. Also tell what type of controls are on.

[email protected]

note: before filling out the application, look at the stats page. it shows advantages and disadvantages of all the species.

Please Copy and paste the questions too. I need that. It is alot more work if you dont so please do that.

Oh yeah! By the way dont just blindly fill out the application read the info in the site because I dont want to have to change your profile so if you are completly ready to sign up fill it out and send it to me.

To join the RPG you must have AOL or AIM. If you use AIM you need a Hotmail account. This is because Hotmail accounts view pictures in e-mail.

If you are inactive for to long I will eject you from the rpg. If you have a good excuse however, I will not.

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