DBZL Extras

Dying- If in a real battle, one's HP reaches zero they are dead. Humans, Nameks, Saiyans and Ginyus will go to King Kai. Any other species will be dead at the planet's checkin station. While dead, you can self battle and battle with people in the same place as you. You can't participate in tournements, fight living people or buy any type of item. The way to come back is to be wished back using the Dragonballs.

Marriages- To have a marriage in this RPG your character must have a relationship with another. After a while, you may ask the person to marry you, and have an RP marriage in a chatroom. After it is done, send it to Vegeta and the marriage will be reflected in your profile and in the Legacy storyline.

Having babies- For this to happen, you need to have a new member join the site and be the baby. You and your spouse, will be the parents. Although any species can marry the other, only Humans and Saiyans can have offspring. In the rare case that a Namek chooses to have a child, they can. Only one Namek is needed to have a child though. Nameks are asexual for those who do not know.

DBZL newsletter- Every week this will be sent out, telling of new events and new things going on with the site.

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