Changeling Beam: It is a piercing attack which continues through its target and can also be used to slice.
Effect:Takes Hp equal to your ki x4. The same amount is taken from each person you are fighting against. Roll one 5 sided die. If anything other than 1 is rolled the attack misses.
Takes 5 turns to charge for each person you want to hit
Ki usage 500.
Who can use:Changelings.
Power Level must be 9500 or more.
Takes 4 days to train for with King cold.

Super Heart buster: This attack is like the Heart buster but stronger.
Effect: Kills the enemy. The enemy must have at least 80 hp.
Ki usage 500/finisher.
Who can use:Changelings, Androids, Demons, Ginyus.
Power Level must be 9600 or more.
Takes 4 days to train for.

Death Ball: This is a small ball of energy which one can create from either the tip of ones finger or with both hands. While small, it is very powerful, and can even destroy even planets.
Effect:Can kill a whole group of people if Their hp together = 25 or lower.
Ki usage 510/finisher.
Who can use:Androids, Changelings.
Power Level must be 9700 or more.
Takes 4 days to train for.

Hundred Hand: While many characters can use this technique, the undisputed master of this technique is Vegeta. The user of this technique can shoot ki bolts continuously from their hands, resulting in somewhat of a "machine-gun ki blast" effect. While the individual blasts are not particularly powerful, the effect of hundreds together can be devastating.
Effect: Roll 1 100 sided die, the effect is the number rolled multiplyed by 1
Ki usage 1000.
Who can use: Saiyan, Human, Namek.
Power Level must be 15000 or more.
Takes 5 days to learn.

Body Change: Ginyu spreads his limbs out, shouts "Change!" and shoots out a bolt of energy, and if it hits its target, Ginyu changes bodies with that person. Ginyu then gains the strength and speed of his target. After changing bodies, Ginyu can still do a Body Change.
Effect:The user of this attack and the enemy switches bodies. They exchange All stats except HP and KI. This attack can only be used once in a battle. It lasts for 3 turns. If there is more than one one person fighting you, you may choose which one you want to change with. People can jump infront of it.
Training: Must be trained by Captain Ginyu to use.
Ki usage:Half your base ki.
Who can use: Ginyus.
Power Level must be 20000 or more.
Takes 7 days to train for.

Dodonpa Blast: One of the major techniques of the Tsurusen-ryu, this is a blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon impact. The most basic Dodonpa is more powerful than the most basic Kamehameha, but the Kamehameha can become more powerful.
Effect: Takes your SCP x7 minus defense.
Ki usage 900ki.
Who can use:Ginyus.
Power Level must be 20000 or more.
Takes 4 days to train for with Captain Ginyu.

Time stop: When someone uses it, they freeze time for their opponents so that they are frozen in whatever position they were in. However, he needs to keep his attention on his victims in order to keep them frozen.
Effect: Roll 1 4 sided die. If 1 is rolled For two turns your enemy cant attack. You cant attack your enemy either but someone else in your group can.
Ki usage 900.
Who can use: Ginyus.
Power Level Must be 21000 or more
Takes 8 days to train for.

VP KI blast: The user of this attack shoots a very powerful Ki blast through their hands at the opponent. While this attack is very powerful, it is also extremely damaging to to the user, and can kill them if they use it too much.
Effect:Kills the enemy if they have 50 hp left. Roll 1 4 sided die if 1 is rolled the you are also dead.
Ki usage 1000
Who can use:Android.
Power Level Must be 22000 or more.
Takes 9 days to train for.

Final Flash: The user of this attack opens their arms, then charges a blast between the arms. After finished charging, they release a masive, strong beam at the enemy. In the series, this attack was used aganst Cell, and took damn near half his body off.
Effect:Roll 1 9 sided die. The effect is the roll times the user's SCP minus defense.
KI usage: 1300
Who can use: Saiyan
Power Level Must be 25000 or more.
Takes 12 days to train for.

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