Dem-Cut: This is a technique used by the Demons. What happens is they spin real fast then go underground coming up with a punch.
Effect: Regular damage plus 5
Ki usage 15.
Training: None
Works good and evil people.
Who can use: Demons.

Crasher Ball: The user holds their hands together then lets out a small ball of energy
Effect: Regular damage plus 5
Ki usage 15.
Training: None
Works good and evil people.
Who can use: Anyone.

Demon Kamehameha: This is a laughable attempt of the demon trying to copy the Kamehameha.
Effect: Takes Damage equal to the demon's HP.
Ki 25.
Training: None
Works good and evil people.
Who can use: Demons.

Cell Absorbtion: This is a technique used by the Cells. They Beat their enemy BAD then they use their tail suck the enemies life force out.
Effect: All the enemies Stats are combined with yours. They must have atlest 25% their base HP left
Ki usage None.
Works Anyone.
Who can use: Cell.

Latch Attack: If you watched DBZ during the time Nappa and Vegeta were attacking earth you should know this attack. See here is what had happened. Nappa planted some saiba men seeds, the Saiba Men were beating earth's special forces BAD the Saiba Man then latched onto Yamcha, blew up and killed him. Chow-Tsu also did this to Nappa but it did not hurt him. Chow-Tsu died.
Effect:Takes damage equal to your Base HP Defense. Kills the person who uses it.
Training: None
Works evil and good people.
Who can use: Anyone.

Bukujutsu: Not exactly a fighting technique, this is the ability to fly with one's ki. Since almost all of the fights in the second series occurred at least partially in the air, this technique is used all the time during fights, as well as being used to go from place to place. The only characters in the first series that could use it since their first appearances were Tien, Cho-Tsu, and Piccolo. Almost every one of the other characters learn to fly eventually, and by the time DBZ comes around, every major character could.
Effect:This attack takes 10 hp+ 10 for each 50 SCP you have. 50 is the max HP it takes.
Ki usage:15
Training: None needed.
Works evil and good people.
Who can use:Anyone.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Punch: User of this attack has three different types of punches: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Transform by the light of the moon (Oozaru)The user of this attack Turns to an Oozaru. This can happen only on the 28 of a month. Also only with a planet that has a moon. It counts as one attack.
Effect: All your stats are added with what ever your HP is.
Ki usage:none
Training: none
Who can use:Saiyan with tails. No one else can learn this.
Note. THis attack can't be ended with a Yamma lock.

Dynamyte Kick: Mister Satan's trademark attack. A charging kick. Being one of Mister Satan's attacks, this one is pretty much weak.
Effect:Takes regular damage -1.
Ki usage 20ki.
Training:None needed.
Who can use:Anyone.

Rolling Satan Punch: Satan curls up into a ball, rolls along the ground, then punches his opponent. Being one of Satan's attacks, this one is pretty much useless in a "real" Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z fight.
Effect: Takes normal damage -2.
Ki usage 15.
Training: None needed
Works evil and good people.
Who can use: Anyone.

Saruken: Much like Mutenroshi's "Suiken," this is primarily a "distract and avoid" technique; Goku acts like a monkey, using monkey-like attacks (scratching, bouncing, etc.) and taunting his opponent at the same time.
Effect: The enemies next attack takes 10 less hp.
Ki usage 15.
Training: None
Works evil and good people.
Who can use: Anyone.

Satan Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch: Mister Satan's "Ultimate" attack. Really just a normal punch. Mister Satan forgot the name of this attack almost as soon as he had made it. Used against #18 in the 25th Tenkaichi-Budokai.
Effect Regular damage+ 3
Ki usage 15.
Training: None
Works evil and good people.
Who can use: Anyone.

Eye Beam: It is a double ki blast shot from the eyes. While the blast itself is small, it explodes on impact to do a fair amount of damage, and can also be used to stop other ki blasts.
Effect: Takes Hp 4 from one enemy. You add 4 more for each enemy you are fighting.
Ki usage 25.
Takes 2 turns to charge.
Who can use:Nameks and Humans.

Kiai: This technique is used simply by yelling really loud; it disperses weaker ki attacks.
Effect:All ki attacks take 4 less hp.
Ki usage 70.
Training:None needed.
Who can use:Anyone.


Rhyque Technique-This is a powerup attack that raises your Attack and Defense in the begining of a match.
Effect: With this attack automaticaly in the begining of a battle the user's Attack and Defense Stat are added with 30. It takes no turns to use this attack.
Ki usage 10 KI each turn.
Training: None
Who can use: Unique Species.

Sadorr Technique- This is a powerup attack that raises your Speed and SCP in the begining of a match.
Effect: With this attack automaticaly in the begining of a battle the user's Attack and Defense Stat are added with 30. It takes no turns to use this attack.
Ki usage 10 KI each turn.
Training: None
Who can use: Unique Species.

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