Please read the rules before filling out this scroll!
Fill it in as fully as you possibly can. Also you will be notified whether you have been accepted at the Library or not through an e-mail. So it is a MUST, to have an e-mail address! Any problems please e-mail me. (You must wait until you have the cursor appear in the text area before you can type!)
<The Legacy Master>
You REAL name:
Your handle name(optional):
Your REAL age:
A short Bio of yourself
(You could say: what you write? Why you write? What inspries you? What books, films do you like? Best author? Artists? Poets?)
A quote you like to use (optional):
You favroute artist/poet/author? (optional)
What is the age group for the library?
How will you be dealt with if you spam any of the boards?
Name one way in which you should deal with people copying your work?
Why, do you want to join the Legacy Library?
At least 3 reasons.
How could the site be improved? What things do you like/dislike about it?
These next questions must be answered correctly, for your applications form to be accepted. (Hint: The Rules)
Your e-mail address:
Rules & join
Note: You can either use your real name or a handle name (e.g. your nickname) Also for the Biography you can either describe yourself, or a character you would like to use in the library.
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