Some Champions Rise
The Legacy Master

Some Champions Rise
Some champions rise
Some stay small,
Some champions stand high,
Some will fall!

The battle is on,
Who will have might?
The rest have gone!
What a fight!

The final, a battle,
One on one.
The crowd sound like cattle,
It�s Grodall who won!

As the champion is crowned,
On the nigh of the fight,
A dark shadow stood, hid upon a mound,
The next thing that happened was too much for sight!

The warrior, the champion,
Held arrow to chest,
Blood dripped from his pierced vest,
The champion lay in rest!

His murderer is not known to this day!
�He must of died of guilt� beasts did say,
But the people think he did it for pay.
Some even say it doesn�t matter he�s still a lay.

Although no beast knows who fired the arrow
Many know who sent the assassin,
To send people into a deep sorrow,
Gorleap Stonefin!

He never got trialed,
He ran and fled,
He is said to have sailed,
To a land far ahead!

The story of Grodall the great
Is a long sad and joyful one,
This is only a section of his reign,
Which is now, taken up by his son!

The clan still exists,
Or some people say.
But they are never sure,
They travel each day.

With a loaded bow,
To pierce their heart,
They hunt for their foe,
Everyone takes part!

For they want revenge,
For Grodall�s death.
If you ever come across a Clan dressed in blue,
Just take time to think about Groddil the great and his tale told
to you!!!
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