Short poems

Dream Way

I hate my life so I start to follow my dream,
Its a strange glue that ties up my seams.
The light that I seek ascends up my soul,
To a point in life that until now was unknown.
Where the path of my journey takes is mystery,
All being embedded in the unwritten book of history.


Hate is placed on earth, evil which flows day by day.
All life not immune, its attack comes in many ways.
Time only feeds its immense desire to make us seethe with,
Rage that has no bounds the power it brings,
Endless in desire to inflict pain which heeds an end,

The Damned

Darkness falls among city streets
And demons of the night begin to rise
Men walk among the two fanged beasts
Now their necks of blood deprived
Evil creates the twisted form they take
Damned forever until found by a stake.

The Alchemist

As they preach the incantations
Looking upon an ancient parchment
Calling upon spirits of the damned
Hence forth they take shape on evil bent
Entities of no evil limitation
Masters of darkness, cause chaos they must repent
Yearnings of power Alchemy creates.

Hope and Respite

The soul in my life has departed,
As half of my heart seems discarded.
The one forsaken word,
How could it destroy my world.
How I pray for that day.
Will you return to lift up my body,
That now evil does carry.


Hate is so more sensual,
Mysterious in form it winds up your senses.
Hate brings its aura of madness,
Its grasp tight hold of your every action.
Hate arrives under clouds of darkness.
Love and care is removed and the light is less.
Hate will forever reside in your soul,
No relief until it devours us all.
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