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� TAJ, 1999


A Recent Article in the San Francisco Chronicle
Online - May 19, 1999

A True Legacy is Treasured in Stories

Writing for the San Francisco Chronicle, author Barrie Sanford Greiff offers many compelling reasons for recording family histories. "We owe it to our descendants who will live long after us," he says, "to make sure we have passed on the stories that are central to our lives... because the world is going to contain more changes in the future, not fewer; more uncertainty, not less."


A Recent Report in TIME Magazine
Online - April 12, 1999

Thanks For The Memoirs

Writing for TIME magazine, Emily Mitchell tells readers, "There has never been a better time to write the story of your life... Today, more than ever before in modern times, the era of confession is upon us...For most, there is a desire to create a permanent record of their experiences and leave a legacy for their family."


Mitchell goes on to describe the phenomenal growth of workshops and college extension courses that help people put their lives on paper. She offers interviews with several successful memoirists, such as 75-yearold Fanya Gottesfeld Heller who summed up the motivation of many such writers, saying, "If I don't tell my story now, who will tell it for me?"

A companion piece by Rebecca Winters is entitled How to Publish Your Memoirs, in which she explores answers to the question, "You've written it. Now what?" Winters discusses the difficulties of finding the right publisher, and the options of self-publishing and vanity presses "which will edit, design, typset and print your book, then bill you for the services -- all of which can cost tens of thousands of dollars."


At Legacy Memoirs, we've made the process of preserving memories for younger generations easy and enjoyable. It takes very little time. And it does not have to cost "tens of thousands of dollars." Many people are surprised just how inexpensive it is to create beautiful and enduring hard-bound memoirs for their families.


Thomas Ainlay Jr.
Legacy Memoirs
E-mail: [email protected]

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