Support Group/Disclaimer

Moxie: [stands up] Welcome to the 'We know we are not the Wonderful J.K. Rowling' support group

Sierra: Today we have a new member. Could you stand up and tell us who you are?

Virgo: [stands up] Hello, my name is Virgo and I'm not JK Rowling. [sits down]

Group: Hello Virgo!

Virgo: ::sobs:: It's not fair! I want to be her!! ::sobs::

Delphi: Don't we all? ::sighs whistfully::

Moxie: [sits down] But, alas, none of us can claim to be her, lest we get sued.

Virgo: ::lull in the sobbing:: I don't want to go to court! ::breaks forth again::

Sierra: So people, no matter how much we wish to be, we are not the wonderful J.K. Rowling. We are not even worthy to lick the bubblegum off her shoes, let alone be her.

Delphi: It's not fair! She owns the wonderful world of Hogwarts, and all of those really cool characters!

Sierra: ::sigh:: We can borrow her characters to write stories like her, but we cannot claim to be her.

Moxie: That's right! I'm addicted to the cannon and I love to write like her! I write like her everyday!

Virgo: So it's okay for me to write with her characters, just as long as I'm not pretending to be her?

Delphi: Not only that, but we can make sites to worship her greatness, like The Shrine of Stories.

Virgo: Oh, oh okay. Well then. What else should I know?

Sierra: No matter how much we wish it, we are not making any money off of these. ::sobs::

Moxie: It's ok Sierra.....let out your pain...

Sierra: It's not fair!!!

Virgo: So we can't make money off of these?

Delphi: ::wistfully:: No...even though we'd like to we swear that we are in no way profiting off of her greatness..just basking in the glow of her talent.

Moxie: [stands up once again] I would also like to... admit... I am not Flourish, or Gypsy, or Rex, or Ninamazing, or anybody other than myself! ::cries::

Sierra: ::is annoyed:: Moxie, sit down!

[Moxie stands up on chair to make Sierra mad. It works.]

Virgo: All fanfics belong to the author which created them! As much as I wish it were so, Kate S. is not an alternate me!

Moxie: Before we part our ways to explore the shrine or write somemore stories with characters that don't belong to us, let's sing our Support Group song.

::everyone sings to the tune of Yankee Doodle::

We like JK Rowling so much
that we write stories too-oo
With her characters and her plots,
but we make sure we don't get sue-ued

JK Rowling is the best,
She writes really awesome boo-ooks
But when we try to write like her,
We get lots of dirty loo-ooks.

We love Harry Hermione and Ron,
but they belong to her-er
We want to own them so much
be we have to write a disclaim-er

JK Rowling is the best
she writes really awesome boo-ooks
But when we try to write like her,
We get lots of dirty loo-ooks

We want to be like JK
so much we're going to cry-ry
but our maskara will start to run,
so we have to say goodbye-ye!

[There is silence for a moment, and then everybody breaks down into loud howls]

In short, we are not J.K. Rowling, we do not claim to own anything of J.K. Rowling, we are just very loyal fans. Very loyal fans with too much time on our hands. All of the fics belong to the authors that wrote them. Don't steal! It's not very nice...

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