A Thank You Cliche'

Moxie: We’d like to thank all the little people

Sierra: Little people? I think not.

Moxie: Okay. We’d like to thank all the normal sized people who made this site possible

Virgo: Normal sized? They’re larger than life!

Moxie: Fine then! You thank them!

Virgo: We thank our Archive-ee idols. We’re just four

Delphi: Young

Sierra: Crazy

Moxie: Rhyming

Virgo: Authors who look up to the

Sierra: Brilliant

Delphi: Scheming

Moxie: Rhyming

Virgo: Authors whom we have archived. Most of them have

Delphi: Extensive

Sierra: Spell-binding

Moxie: rhyming

::everyone rolls their eyes::

Virgo: websites of their own that we admire and yet they still allowed us to archive them. We thank them, they are the idols in our shrines.

Sierra: We’d also like to especially thank Kate S.

Delphi: For putting up with us in our chats and

Moxie: Flourish for setting us straight on how everything should be set up and look like.

All and all here is the message.
We thank you for coming, we thank you for giving and thank you for viewing.
Please mark your passage.

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